Our Fundraising Philosophy

Posted in: News, by sheanna, on 24th September 2015 | Comments Off on Our Fundraising Philosophy

In the light of the recent government commissioned review of charity fundraising we’d just like to reassure all of our supporters that we do not operate in any of the ways that have been brought to light as causes for concern in this report. Bridge2Aid is a small charity and we base all of our fundraising around relationships. We are supported by people who know what we do – and we care about those who are part of making our work so amazing.
So we don’t buy in lists of contacts, we don’t cold call, we don’t do massive mail-outs, we don’t ask third parties to fundraise for us, we don’t employ door-to-door or street fundraisers, we don’t employ companies to phone you at the time of the evening when you’re just settling down to relax.
But we are a charity. Without the support and donations that are given we would not be able to do the work that we do, and this work is vitally needed. So we do ask for money, we do try to engage people’s hearts and minds. We try to share stories and statistics to let people know why we are doing the work that we do, and how we are changing the landscape of oral health in some of the poorest parts of the world.

It is impossible to overstate the importance of our supporters and we would like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your continued efforts, donations, fundraising and volunteering.

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