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    Come and join the Bridge2Aid “gang”

    There’s a proverb attributed to ‘Africa’ which I’d like to use. I normally wouldn’t, given that these “African proverbs” are usually anything but. However, this one has just been quoted in an advert by an African airline we use to fly into Mwanza, so I’ll risk it just this once: “If you want to go […]

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    Emma’s return from Tanzania

    I’ve just returned from my first trip out to Tanzania with Bridge2Aid and am bursting with things that I want to say about my experience! It was everything I thought it would be but also so much more than I could have imagined.                   I started my […]

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    Emma’s blog

    For those of you who have volunteered chances are you will have dealt with Emma –  one half of our superb Volunteer Team.  As part of her professional development and to further her understanding of what our volunteers experience Emma is joining a Dental Volunteering Programme this May.  We asked her to share some thoughts […]

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    Hope Dental – A good news story

    Our CEO Shaenna shares her memories of the history of Hope Dental – and the visionary changes that have taken place in the past year “I feel fortunate to have had a close personal relationship with Hope Dental Centre in Tanzania for many years.  As many of you will be aware, since 2004 Bridge2Aid has […]

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    Back to basics

    So I open Facebook one evening to check on the world, to find my husband has “posted” (a rare event). There’s a photo of him holding a very small baby, wishing every day could start like that, and recalling a time when our two teenagers were that small. Apart from the shock of seeing him […]

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    World Health Organisation Manual

    I’m in that wonderful place today of having just returned from 2 weeks off. I am fresh, rested (despite holiday with three children under 10!) and ready to get going on a very exciting few months ahead. One of the challenges of building the work that Bridge2Aid does – raising awareness of a hidden problem, […]

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    What is ‘good volunteering’?

    Here’s a quite a dense quote : ‘The assumption that we are the solution to another’s problem becomes a proposition of self-interest, whereby we feel we are able to tell people what their problems are, and then deal with them on our own terms.’ Dickson & Dickson. I got involved with Bridge2Aid to help dental […]

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    Succession – it’s not about you really

    It’s now been just over a year since my time as resident in Tanzania came to an end. After almost 10 years living in Mwanza on the shores of Lake Victoria, on July 5th my family and I drove 12 hours to Nairobi before catching the onward flight to London. Flicking through Timehop and Facebook […]

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    Middle aged charity CEO enters lycra life-stage

    Ok I can’t put it off any longer – it’s time to start getting the miles in for this thing I have signed up for in just 3 months’ time. The Straumann Ride (or ‘Dentists in Lycra’ yikes) will be me and 40 others on a 5 day 500 mile bike ride from the mediterranean […]

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    Steak & Implants

    Last week was a busy week – ending with a fantastic day at the Dentistry Show.  I’ve been on no fewer than 12 trains battled with signal failures on the Jubilee line, and got a lot fitter lugging suitcases through the tube network. I also learned a lot about implants (dental ones that is). And […]

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