Another year – and…?

Posted in: Blog, by sheanna, on 22nd December 2015 | Comments Off on Another year – and…?

What will 2016 mean for you?

I don’t know about you but everywhere I look on the internet and social media I’d bombarded with the ‘make 2016 your best year yet’ blogs.

It’s a theme we can predict with certainty. And it’s one I look forward to because this time of year does present such a great opportunity to look at things differently. As the end of 2015 now rapidly approaches, I, like you I hope, have been celebrating Christmas with friends and family and looking forward to what the New Year holds.

It’s often at times like these when we celebrate, that we realise how fortunate we are. Pausing to reflect on that has certainly deepened my sense of gratitude. And I was greatly encouraged earlier in the month by one person’s response in a similar situation.

I was at an awards ceremony. A gathering place for people who have worked hard and done great things, hoping to have that achievement recognised. A person I’ve know for a while sought me out for a chat. ‘We’ve had a great year, and I want to give something back’ she said. The practice she worked at were shortlisted for a prestigious award, and it was really clear to me that they thoroughly deserved it – they had worked very hard, and the hallmarks of a great team were clear to see. But it was her motivation to use that place of celebration as a platform to help others that really inspired me.

‘At times of celebration we reflect on what we’re grateful for, and that’s a great springboard to do something for others.’

I know that in a couple of days time you’ll be thinking about what you’ll do differently in 2016. Why not use the year to embark on something you’ve been putting off, and do it for Bridge2Aid?

It could be finally getting around to volunteering your dental skills on our unique sustainable training programme in East Africa, committing to getting fit and making it stick by making it a sponsored event for us, or giving something back each month and becoming a Friend of Bridge2Aid.


Whatever you choose to do, start now. Whilst you have the space and time to reflect on what you really want to do next year – make the commitment.

Thanks for reading, for your support and interest.

A very Happy New Year!

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